by Marcia Ramstrom | Feb 18, 2021
Intro to Marcia, Lotus and my Weekly Vlog Paragraph content of the blog. Just like the lotus, we too have the ability to rise from the mud,bloom out of the darkness, and radiate into the...
by Marcia Ramstrom | Mar 5, 2020
“Parents must help their children imagine a future that is happy and safe, Sarah Myhre agrees — but to do that, they must first process their own sense of fear and loss.” Climate experts talk to The Washington Post about the importance of cultivating joy...
by Marcia Ramstrom | Feb 12, 2020
“Transitions aren’t easy, but I do know they’re a great opportunity to get more competent, and to tell the truth to get HUGE reward.” We have all faced periods of change and doubt before either in our personal or work life. Whichever one you are going...
by Marcia Ramstrom | Jan 22, 2020
Welcome to 2020! The new year is the perfect time to reset goals and keep making forward- progress. We are so excited to continue sharing the latest news and trainings from the mental health community throughout the year to help you on your journey. What are...
by Marcia Ramstrom | Jan 18, 2020
Need an extra boost of positivity to get you through your day? Give one of these 15 mantras a try the next time you need help banishing negative thoughts. Is turning to resilience training enough to combat the rising stress levels that teachers are...